How to Install the Stabilizer Rails on your Above Ground Pool 

When the liner is completely adjusted (and if an overlap liner, the plastic coping is secured), push the first stabilizer rail over the plastic coping or pool wall so that it fits snugly (starting at the wall bolts is usually a good idea).


How to Install the Stabilizer Rails on your Above Ground Pool 

PRO TIP: Leave one end of the stabilizer slightly raised so that the next stabilizer can interlock. Depending on your pool’s brand, you may have alternating stabilizer rail sizes.

As the stabilizers are installed progressively around the circumference of the pool, note that the tapered end of the stabilizer easily slides into the untapered end of the following stabilizer.

The tapered end should be inserted approximately 1" into the next stabilizer. This allows room fro adjustment either in or out. In this way, the last stabilizer may be fitted into place by adjusting the other stabilizer rails as needed. 

Continue to the next step: How to Add Water and your Skimmer to your Above Ground Pool 

Or view our guide on the 17 steps to installing your Round Above Ground Pool here


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