Use the below instructions to make a leveling device or use a long enough straight board and carpenter’s level on their own.
- Determine correct length of a 2’ x 4” board. (The correct length should be the clearance radius plus 6”.)
- Drill a clearance hole (3/8” diameter) in 2’ x 4” board to fit over the nail head already in the center stake. (See page 7).
- Construct an upsidedown “T” with a base approximately 12” long and nail to the opposite end of 2’ x 4” board shown here below.
- Secure carpenter’s level to top of the long 2’ x 4” board with tape or twine as shown.

Pivot your leveling device/carpenter’s level around your pool radius checking for high and low areas.
- If the bubble in the leveling device is towards the outside of the pool, you’ve reached a high area.
- If the bubble in the leveling device is towards the inside of the pool, you’ve reached a low area.
Begin leveling at the lowest point and work your way around the pool radius until the area inside the clearance radius is level. Always level to the lowest point, never fill in low spots.
View our guide on the 17 steps to installing your Round Above Ground Pool here.
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