Inground Winter Covers are your "tarp-style" solid covers that are weighted down by water bags, or water tubes.
Being a solid cover, winter covers do not let in any sunlight which cuts down on the growth of algae and bacteria during the winter months as well as keeps your spring cleaning to a minimal. Although this type of cover keeps out sunlight and other debris, this material will need to be replaced every 1-5 seasons. That being said, with very economical pricing these covers are a popular choice when winterizing a pool.
Tips and Tricks for Winter Covers (because we love you):
- Get cover tight by pulling out any slack or wrinkles
- Keep sticks and leaf build up to a minimum using a leaf rake or leaf blower
- Always check for holes within the cover and water tubes
- Regularly use automatic cover pump to remove rain water build up
- Be sure not to place the cover pump on a seam when draining water, as this will cause water from your pool to be drained.
- Do not use bricks or sharp blocks to weigh your cover down. Royal Swimming Pools recommends using water tubes for in-ground pools.
- Be sure to buy the right size cover for your pool. You should not stretch your pool cover across the pool
in an attempt to make it fit. Check out this nifty diagram!

- If you tie your cover to a fence or other permanent structure, be sure to use a flexible bungie cord. This will allow the cover to shift as snow and ice accumulate without pulling out the corner tabs or straps. Water tubes must still be used.
Royal Swimming Pools covers will accommodate a maximum 18 inch water drop below the top edge of your pool. If you normally drop your water more than 18 inches, you should order a larger size cover.
Please order your cover by pool size including step!
To view our Winter Cover selection Click Here.
For information on the different types of pool covers check out this article!
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