Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

This type of oval pool bottom is only available for expandable liners. See instructions:

This guide is for Oval Above Ground Pools. If you are looking for deeper end instructions for Round Above Ground Pools click here.

The Deep Swimming Area is for underwater swimming only. NO DIVING, NO JUMPING.

Step 10 - 1

This type of pool bottom is only available for expandable liners. A non-expandable liner type will not work and could be damaged or damage your pool if it is attempted to be installed in a pool with a deeper section. As such using the improper liner type for a deeper end pool risks voiding your pool's warranty. 

Apen B 3

To excavate the deep swimming area, use the illustrations shown, along with the measurements from the chart below for your pool size. Please view all charts and images below before starting. 

Remember, DO NOT DIVE OR JUMP into the pool. The excavation is intended to provide a deeper and wider swimming area only. 

Keep in mind, you will need enough flat area to accommodate your ladder or step.

It is also important to remember to make sure that the ledge is wide enough for the pool supports. 

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Complete steps 1 - 8 of the oval installation manual then complete the steps D1 to D3 below to make your oval deeper on one end or deeper in the middle before going to step 9 in the oval installation manual.

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Step 11 - 2Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Do not connect the straps on the end of your oval pool that you wish to be the deeper end. 


See images below for what your dig site should resemble once you start digging your deeper area, including how to properly set your pool's straps. 

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools            Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools


Use a post hole digger to dig a hole 18" - 20" deep hole directly in from of each side brace that will be on the deeper end of the pool. The hole should be wider as the hole gets deeper.

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools            Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools


Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Tightly coil the strap back to within 15" - 18" of the hold-down plate.

As you coil the straps, make sure that you do not allow space between the coils. A tight coil will prevent the strap from tightening and the brace from leaning as the pool fills with water.

Tightly wrap the wire around the coils to prevent the coil from springing loose.

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools            Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools


Put the coiled strap into the post hole. You can put all three straps on each side in the holes for a middle deeper pool or 2 straps on each side for a deeper on one end pool.

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools           Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Install the pool wall as indicated in the oval installation manual step 9.

Use patio blocks or bricks to level the track if needed. Use a string along the side braces to keep them straight.

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools


Mix approximately one bag of concrete mix for each hole making sure that it is not a soupy mix. Use a stick or broom handle to pack the concrete into each hole to fill all voids.

Check the side braces as you go to keep the top ledges straight.

Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools

Spread sand or sand/portland or vermiculite to cover the pool floor and continue using your oval installation manual to finish your pool. 
Above Ground Pool Deep End Installation for Oval Pools