While this step was most likely done before purchasing your pool, if for any reason you did not complete it beforehand you must do so before you start opening the boxes containing your pool’s parts.
- Look up your local counties swimming pool codes to determine how much space you need to have between your pool and your property line.
- Determine where your pool will go in your yard.
- The area selected for your pool must have a level and firm base
- DO NOT locate pool over underground lines, septic tanks, under electrical lines, near hazardous structures, or out of local code restrictions
- DO NOT assemble your pool on asphalt, tar or oil base surfaces
- DO NOT assemble in areas with sharp objects, or ground treated with weed killer or other chemicals. Also avoid areas where nutgrass, Bermuda grass or bamboo grass grows, as they can grow through your liner. Grass must be removed.
- DO NOT place components such as filters, pumps, and heaters in a way that they can be used as a means of access to the pool by young children
- Be sure to follow all local building codes and obtain all building permits required for your area
- Mark the entire Pool Area Dimensions to determine if you have enough space for the pool size you’ve selected. See Below based on your pool's shape:
ROUND POOLS will equal the Pool Radius Plus One (1) Foot to determine if you have enough space for the pool size you’ve selected. (See pool dimensions below)
- If the pool will not work in your yard DO NOT OPEN ANYTHING. Refer to the Return Policy.
Continue to the next step: How to Complete an Inventory Check for my New Above Ground Swimming Pool
Or view our guide on the 17 steps to installing your Round Above Ground Pool here.
OVAL POOL dimensions will vary based on what kind of buttress system your pool has. (See pool dimensions examples below)
NOTE: If the pool will not work in your yard DO NOT OPEN ANYTHING. Refer to the Return Policy.
Continue to the next step: How to Complete an Inventory Check for my New Above Ground Swimming Pool
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