PRO TIP: Use your part’s list and a felt tip pen to locate and mark the correct holes on each top plate prior to installing them on the pool.

Top ledge rails can either be metal or resin.
- Resign Top Ledge Rails require special screws that have attached washers in order to attach the resin top rail to the metal top plate.
When installing the top ledge rails do not tighten screws until all top ledge rails have been installed. This will allow room for any necessary adjustments on the final few rails.
PRO TIP: If the pool is slightly out of round, you may have a problem getting the last rail to go on. If your struggling, check that the roundness of the pool hasn’t shifted.
*Depending on your pool model, you may require different types of screws. This should be made known in your specific pool’s installation guide and part’s list. Images may vary but the installation concept should remain the same. Additional examples below:
Continue to the next step: How to Install the Top Cover Connectors on your Above Ground Pool
Or view our guide on the 17 steps to installing your Round Above Ground Pool here.
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